In many discussions live or online about Metaverse and Web 3.0 the main speakers are always men. Many times seems that old habits never change and the old paradigm of nerds talking about innovation and technologies will be the constant also of this third wave. But something is changing. The last July 14th The Financial Times transmitted the webinar “Unlocking the Investment Potential of the Metaverse” and the three speakers were all women: Tanja Bivic Plankar (President of Blockchain Alliance Europe); Ashley Oerth (Senior – Investment Strategy Analyst at Invesco), Marina Niforos (Affiliate Professor – HEC Paris). The only man was the moderator: the Financial Times Journalist Scott Chipolina.
The webinar ranged from topics such as the Metaverse and recent trends to the most controversial themes like the NFT bubble and the cryptocurrency crisis.
The Financial Times probably has built carefully this panel, but anyway is a signal. There are a lot of competent women in the tech sector that are pleased to be chosen for their expertise more than because of gender reasons. Another very good example is the newborn Web3 Alliance, the consortium of Italian companies dedicated to Web 3.0 technologies, their president is Elena Schiaffino, a pioneer in the digital Italian market.
Web 3.0 wave is proposing a similar pattern to the first and second wave, but hopefully, some traits are different, one of them could be the role of women in defining and building our digital future.
Here the link to the Recording of the Ft Live Webinar: