At the dawn of web 1.0, one of the most frequent exercises was the prediction of which sectors would be most affected by the diffusion of the Internet and which would change their model. In some cases, such as in the media sector, forecasts were right and only the laziness and lack of foresight of the main players in those sectors led to not reacting adequately. External players such as Google and Facebook radically changed the structure of those sectors for their own benefit (I still talk about the media sector). In other cases, however, the direction taken by the web was unpredictable and only a truly innovative approach by some players allowed a market revolution, as is the case, for example, of Yoox and the world of fashion.
At the dawn of a third web revolution, one of the most attentive observers, CB Insight, repeats the same exercise in the report: “Metaverse of madness: 13 big industries the rise of virtual worlds could disrupt “. Here is analyzed the possible evolution of the following sectors: fashion, retail, gaming, sport, fitness, real estate, financial services, Cybersecurity, workplaces and collaboration tools, education, Events, and Law.
This is the link to download the report: