Which Sector will be more Affected by Web3?

  • Post category:Metaverse

At the dawn of web 1.0, one of the most frequent exercises was the prediction of which sectors would be most affected by the diffusion of the Internet and which would change their model. In some cases, such as in the media sector, forecasts were right and only the laziness and lack of foresight of the main players in those sectors led to not reacting adequately. External players such…

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Chinese Students Bypass Censorship Thanks to Blockchain

If you talk with a media executive about blockchain and other web3 technologies they look at you with disdain, shaking their heads and saying that they don't, they don't need this devilry. A bit like it happened when at the end of the 90s you proposed to the same people to use email and they replied that no, they didn't need it, they already had fax. However, it seems…

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Futuri possibili di Lorenzo Cappannari

Non possiamo sapere dove e perché stiamo andando in un certo luogo se non sappiamo da dove veniamo e come ci siamo arrivati. Sembra una frase da guru dei Baci Perugina, ma è semplice buon senso. Tanto più importante quando si affronta un nuovo scenario e un’evoluzione tecnologica e culturale quale può essere quella del web3 e del Metaverso. Proprio questo è il merito maggiore del libro Futuri Possibili…

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